
CARKU “Building Dream·Chasing Dream” 2019 Welcome Annual Party Successfully Ended !


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January 26, 2019
CARKU Extended Family Gather Together

Participated in An extraordinary Annual Meeting Feast

Tonight, more than 400 people from Shenzhen headquarters, Huizhou branch and cooperative customers and suppliers gathered to spend a passionate night. With the theme of "Building Dreams and Chasing Dreams", this annual meeting summed up the gains and losses of 2018 work, layout 2019 new ideas, new actions, and opened a new chapter of 2019 with high morale.

Signature to Enter Party
Despite the winter, the participants were enthusiastic and came to the annual meeting early, signing name and taking a photo.

The Most Amazing Debut

Shocking Opening Drum
The Host's Enthusiastic Opening Remarks
Opening the 2019 Annual New Year's party

Leadership Leading Words

The leaders spoke enthusiastically, reviewing the past and looking forward to the future, thanking the partners for their support, and the efforts of the CARKU family, FINALLY sending everyone 2019 New Year wishes and Great Expectations.

[CARKU Chairman's Speech]

[CARKU General Manager's Speech]

CARKU Vice-General Manager's Speech

Dinner Banquet START

Everyone Toasted
Sharing food
CARKU people's seventh anniversary
Starting from the heart
Grateful all the way to accompany people
New year opens new hope
New blanks carry new dreams

Let’s follow the lens and review the wonderful moments in the CARKU party.

Honor Commendation

This is the bloom of dreams and glory
In the course of 2018, there are setbacks and successes. Every progress and growth can't be separated from them. A group of cute and respectable CARKU people.

Outstanding Staff Award

Rising Star Award

Excellent Innovation Award

Sales Revenue Award - Foreign Trade Department

Sales Revenue Award - Domestic Trade Department

Sales Progress Award

Excellent Team Leader Award

Excellent Management Award

Performance Achievement Award

Excellent Team Award

5th Anniversary Award

Excellent Supplier Award


This is a time of a man who Good both at pen and sword.

Everyone CARKU member can work on the workbench, Can be on the big stage.
Originally those Tough girl Maybe make the T-show will hot and shock your eyes
You think Sven's little brother but the result is humorous Explosive audience
Gathering the most vibrating divine songs in 18 years to sprouted and turned over the party.
Start with a passionate dance to Open a unique annual meeting mode

Witty Skit


Song and Dance


Most looking forward to.................

Lucky Draw 

The prizes are constantly and the applause continues

End of the annual meeting

Along with Finale performance of Sign Language dance
"A family that loves each other"
Everyone's still lost in the scene.
Today's Annual Party is over!

All Adward Winners Group Photo

Thanks for CARKU Every partner who worked hard!
In order not to stay in place, we must run hard,
2019 is year to follow the past and move forward to the future!
Let us work together!
CARKU people, come on! !

Congratulations on 2019
CARKU 2019 Welcome Annual Party Successfully Ended !

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