
CARKU Smart Factory project kick-off meeting was successfully held


               On April 16, 2021, the CARKU "Smart Factory" project kick-off meeting was successfully held in the multifunctional hall on the second floor of Huizhou CARKU Technology Co., Ltd. CARKU Chairman Lei Yun attended the meeting and made an important speech. The principals of production, technology, warehousing and other major departments attended the meeting. Shenzhen Dingjiang President He, Weizhi Digital Technology Weekly, and Shenzhen Shicunlong attended the meeting and started. The implementation of the project made a project description.

                  In order to adapt to the rapid development of the company, improve hardware conditions, and improve production efficiency and management level, CARKU will draw on the strong experience of Shenzhen Dingjiang, Weizhi Technology and Shenzhen Shixi in lean smart factory planning to build Tonghu factory into lean, information A lean smart factory benchmark that integrates technology and automation.

                 In order to ensure that the project achieves the expected goals, the CARKU "Smart Factory" project was officially launched on April 16, 2021. CARKU Chairman Lei Yun, the heads of the main departments of the factory, and the Sanhua project team participated in this launch meeting.

                 The conference was divided into project introduction, three-level top-level design, messages from the leaders of the Quartet, appointments and other links, which specifically introduced the content of the project, the construction plan of the smart factory, and the project indicators.

Project Introduction

                  At the beginning of the conference, the person in charge of the project introduced the project background, project objectives, three modernization content (lean, informatization, automation), project team formation, construction route, etc. to the participants, and announced the official launch of the smart factory project. Hope With everyone's joint efforts, hand in a satisfactory answer sheet.

Top-level design report

                   Then, Mr. Zhao, the consultant of Shenzhen Dingjiang, gave a detailed interpretation of the overall implementation plan of the lean project. The plan explained the top-level design ideas, project milestones, detailed planning, and effect expectations, and clarified that the logistics and floor functions of the park are included. The key points and implementation steps of building areas, warehousing and logistics, and workshops, strive to smoothly promote the lean benchmark factory.

                    Mr. Hu, the consultant of Weizhi Digital Technology, elaborated on the construction content of the informatization project from the project background, overall plan planning, implementation scope and objectives, implementation methods and plans, risk management and control mechanism, project organization and management, etc.

                    Among them, it is emphasized that the project takes intelligent manufacturing as the core, and builds a whole-process information system from the components of human, machine, material, law, and environment, realizes human-computer interconnection, visualized management of the whole process, and (MES, SRM&WMS). Etc.) Seamless connection of existing systems.

Make A Statement

                   Subsequently, the representatives of the Sanhua project party, Mr. He, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Long, made speeches. In their speeches, they summarized the key projects undertaken in the past, and expressed their responsibility, determination, ability, and confidence in the upcoming Sanhua project. Through teamwork, they can complete the project construction tasks with quality and quantity, and jointly build A digital factory will be established and an industry benchmarking demonstration enterprise will be established.

               Immediately afterwards, Mr. Yu from CARKU took the stage to make a concluding speech. He analyzed the existing problems in the factory's current production, supply, warehouse, and procurement, and pointed out that the transformation of intelligence, digitization, and automation is essential for the long-term development of the company.

            The introduction of lean design, MES WMS SRM, and automation equipment will make CARKU's information flow and logistics from production to supply links more timely and accurate, with more standardized personnel operations, effectively improving operational efficiency, and promoting enterprises to achieve "three-in-one, intelligent manufacturing" , To further promote the development of enterprises.

             Finally, the project members are encouraged to overcome difficulties and go all out to help CARKU bravely climb new heights.

Chief Lei

                At the meeting, Mr. Lei made important instructions on the launch of the project: The CRAKU smart factory project will help the company improve its overall management level, and has an important promotion significance for the company's current construction. I hope to take advantage of this opportunity to comprehensively sort out the conditions of various processes, equipment, logistics and personnel, and emphasize that all relevant personnel need to attach great importance to the project and should fully cooperate with the planning of the CARKU smart factory project. Great progress.

                In the end, Mr. Lei expressed that under the guidance and assistance of project partners such as Shenzhen Dingjiang, Weizhi, Shicun and other project partners, the planning of the new factory will be completed, and the new factory will become a benchmark in the industry, which will lay a solid foundation for the realization of CARKU Group's strategic goals.

Appointment Ceremony

                    The conference established three collaborative project teams, organized lean, informatization, and automation teams, and standardized the responsibilities and functions of each module. Mr. Lei and Mr. Yu respectively issued appointment letters for the project team members.

Team Oath

                 Finally, under the leadership of Mr. Lei, all members swear an oath! Fully implement the CARKU smart factory project, do not shirk responsibilities, overcome difficulties, go all out, and execute quickly at any time. It is our responsibility to achieve the goal together to ensure that the project is completed on time and quality!

                 Let CARKU make rapid improvement in the construction of lean information automation, I wish the project a complete success, and take a group photo at the end.

                  The successful launch of the CARKU Smart Factory project signifies that the CARKU three-in-one construction project has officially entered the implementation stage, and it has also taken a solid step for our company to build a benchmark demonstration factory in the industry. I believe that with the joint efforts of all members of the project team, the smart factory project will advance steadily, bringing innovation to the enterprise and recreating brilliance!

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